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  • 来源:南京侨商会
  • 时间:2005-04-26








  加工贸易进口自动许可管理货物。应当按有关规定复出口。因故不能复出口而转内销的,按现行加工贸易转内销有关审批程序申领《自动进口许可证》,各商品具体申领规定详见  《自动进口许可管理货物目录》。国家对自动进口许可管理货物采取临时禁止进口或者进口数量限制措施的,自临时措施生效之日起,停止签发《自动进口许可证》。
  海关对散装货物溢短装数量在货物总量正负5%以内的予以免证验放。对原油、成品油、化肥、钢材四种大宗货物的散装货物溢短装数量在货物总量正负3%以内予以免证验放。    商务部对《自动进口许可证》项下货物原则上实行“一批一证”管理,对部分货物也可实行“非一批一证”管理。“一批一证”指:同一份《自动进口许可证》不得分批次累计报关使用。同一进口合同项下,收货人可以申请并领取多份《自动进口许可证》。“非一批一证”指:同一份《自动进口许可证》在有效期内可以分批次累计报关使用,但累计使用不得超过六次。海关在《自动进口许可证》原件“海关验放签注栏”内批注后,海关留存复印件,最后一次使用后,海关留存正本。对“非一批一证”进口实行自动进口许可管理的大宗散装商品,每批货物进口时,按其实际进口数量核扣自动进口许可证额度数量;最后一批货物进口时,其溢装数量按该自动进口许可证实际剩余数量并在规定的允许溢装上限内计算。


The measures hereof (the “Measures”) have been formulated in accordance with the Foreign Trade Law and the Provisions on the Administration of Import and Export of Goods in order for effective monitoring of the import of some goods and for standardizing automatic import licensing administration of the goods. The Measures apply to foreign traders or other organizations that deal in import of the goods defined in the Catalog of Products under Automatic Import Licensing Administration to the People''s Republic of China. The Ministry of Commerce implements automatic licensing administration upon some imported goods according to the need to monitor importation of products, and will promulgate the list of the products subject to the administration at least 21 days before the implementation.

The Catalog of Products under Automatic Import Licensing Administration (the “Catalog”) contains descriptions of specific products and product codes defined by customs, and shall be determined and adjusted by the Ministry in collaboration with General Administration of Customs and other related authorities. The Ministry wilt promulgate the Catalog in the form of an announcement.

When importing goods subject to automatic import licensing administration, the consignee (including the importer and the user of the imported goods) shall lodge an application to the local or an appropriate Issuing Authority for automatic import license, and obtain the license from the authority before going through customs declaration formalities. When applying for import of any and all goods to be purchased through tendering as required by import laws and regulations, the consignee shall invite public bids according to law. Customs shall fulfill inspection and discharge formalities based on presence of Automatic Import License carrying the special seal for such licenses. Banks shall proceed with foreign currency sales and payments based on presence of Automatic Import License.

A consignee applying for Automatic Import License shall submit the following documents: The consignee''s import/export qualification certificate, registration document or foreign - invested enterprise ratification certificate (The certificates and documents are to be submitted only in cases of initial application in a calendar year); Automatic Import License Application Form; 3.Import contract of the goods; 4. Delegated import agreement (original) in cases of import by agents; 5.Documents proving that purpose(s) or end- users of the goods to be imported are compliant with the State''s requirements in the event that laws and regulations exist to impose special requirements upon such purpose(s) or end- users. 6. Documents to be submitted as listed in the Catalog specific to various products; 7.Other documents to be submitted as required by the Ministry. Consignees shall be responsible for authenticity of the documents they have submitted, and shall ensure that their relevant business activities comply with the State''s laws.

Consignees may either send written applications for Automatic Import License directly to the Issuing Authority, or apply via the Internet. Written Applications:

A consignee may pick up from the Issuing Authority or download from appropriate website the “Automatic Import License Application Form” (copies are permitted) and other related documents, complete them as required and honestly, and delivery by person, mail or submit through any other appropriate way to the Issuing Authority along with other documents required herein. Applications via the Internet:A consignee shall first go to the Issuing Authority to get an electronic key used

for enterprise identity authentication. To apply for the license, the consignee shall log on the appropriate website, enter the application system, complete “Automatic Import License Application Form” and other documents honestly on line, and submit other documents required herein to the Issuing Authority. After receiving an application that has been correctly completed in the required form, the Issuing Authority shall issue Automatic Import License not later than 10 working days.

Automatic Import License can be exempted for import of goods subject to automatic import licensing by the means stated here:goods imported for improvement trade and re - export (except for crude oil and finished oil products); goods imported by a foreign-funded enterprise as investment or within its investment amount and for its own production use;Each batch of sample products for advertisement use and experimental products imported in a value of not more than RMB ¥5000.00'';goods temporarily imported for supervision and control by customs;other goods exempted from the Automatic Import License requirement as specified by the State''s laws and regulations.

The Measures are not applicable to goods subject to automatic import licensing administration but flowing into such areas under special supervision and control by customs as bonded zones and export-oriented processing zones, and into bonded warehouses or logistics centers in P.R. China. Except for the exemptions defined in Article XII herein, Automatic Import License shall still be required for goods subject to automatic import licensing administration that are imported from such areas under special supervision and control by customs as bonded zones and export- oriented processing zones or from bonded warehouses or logistics centers.

Goods subject to automatic import licensing administration that is imported for the purpose of improvement trade shall be re-exported as required. When such re-export is prevented due to any reason and the goods is sold in domestic markets as the reslt,Automatic Import License shall be applied for through the prevailing approving procedure governing transition from improvement trade to sale on domestic markets. See the Catalog for detailed application requirements specific to various products. In the event that the State implements any temporary measure to restrict import or limit the imported quantity of any product subject to automatic import licensing administration, the issuance of Automatic Import License for that product will be stopped from the effectiveness date of such measure.

A consignee having obtained but not used Automatic Import License shall return it back to the Issuing Authority within the validity period of the License and explain why it has not been used. The Issuing Authority will cancel the License so returned. In the event of a loss of Automatic Import License, the consignee shall immediately report the loss in writing to the original Issuing Authority and customs of the import port indicated on the License. The original Issuing Authority will reissue the License after receiving the loss report and verifying that the loss has not caused any negative results. The Issuing Authority may withdraw and cancel an Automatic Import License that has not been picked up in 1 month from its issuing date.

Customs shall inspect and discharge bulk cargo involving over or short delivery within + 5% of total quantity of the cargo without requiring presence of Automatic Import License. The same exemption shall be offered to bulk cargo in four categories of bulk goods, namely crude oil, finished oil, chemical fertilizer and steel, provided that the over or short delivery it involves is within+ 3% of the total quantity of the cargo.

The Ministry in principle controls the goods subject to automatic import licensing administration by requiring “One License for Each Batch”, but may permit “Non One License for Each Batch” for some products. “One License for Each Batch” refers to the practice that an Automatic Import License may not be used for cumulative customs declaration of various batches of cargo.
The consignee under one import contract is permitted to apply for and obtain more than one Automatic Import License. “Non - One License for Each Batch” refers to the practice that an Automatic Import License may be used for cumulative customs declaration within its validity period for not more than six times in aggregate.

Customs will provide its comments in “Customs Signature and Comments for Inspection and Discharge”on the original copy of Automatic Import License and keep a copy thereof, and will keep the original copy of the license after its final use. For bulk cargo subject to Non-One-License-for-Each-Batch automatic import licensing administration, the actual quantity of each batch imported will be deducted from the quota permitted by the import license, and the quantity of over delivery of the final batch will be deducted from the unused quota under the license and calculated based on the permitted maximum quantity of over delivery as specified.

Each Automatic Import License remains valid for 6 calendar months. Extension or change of an Automatic Import License shall be approved by the original Issuing Authority, the original license shall be cancelled at the same time, and the number of the original license shall be indicated in the field of remarks on the new license.

In the event of extension or change of an automatic import license under the administration of “Non-One Li-cense for Each Batch”, the new license shall be issued based on the remaining quantity  after deducting the quantity that has been  d-eclared to customs under the original license.


The Measures are promulgated as Decree 26 by the Ministry of Commerce on December 10, 2004 and shall be executed from January 1, 2005. In the event of any difference between prior administrative regulations and the Measures, the latter shall prevail.

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版权所有:南京市侨商会版权所 2005—2020